Пока выложу скиллы, чтобы знали, кому какого пета лучше качать. позднее дополню:
Improved Cougar
Level 55 – Empower 3 (2 Minutes), Might 3 (2 Minutes)
Level 60 – Shield 3 (2 Minutes), BtB 6 (20 Minutes)
Level 65 – Acumen 3 (2 Minutes), Haste 2 (2 Minutes)
Level 70 – VR 4 (2 Minutes), Focus 3 (2 Minutes)
- uses Heal to restore the owners HP
Improved Buffalo
Level 55 – Might 3 (2 Minutes), BtB 6 (20 Minutes)
Level 60 – Shield 3 (2 Minutes), Guidance 3 (2 Minutes)
Level 65 – VR 4 (2 Minutes), Haste 2 (2 Minutes)
Level 70 – Focus 3 (2 Minutes), DW 3 (2 Minutes)
- uses Greater Heal to restore the owners HP
Improved Kookaburra
Level 55 – Empower 3 (2 Minutes), BtS 6 (20 Minutes)
Level 60 – BtB 6 (20 Minutes), Shield 3 (2 Minutes)
Level 65 – Concentration 6 (2 Minutes), Acumen 3 (2 Minutes)
Level 70 -
- recharges MP when the owner is in Battle stance and below 50% MP
Great Wolf / Fenrir
Level 70
- Bite Attack: Bite ferociously with sharp teeth.
- Maul: Attacks with fore-claws to create wound. Power 1. Effect 3. chance to add Bleeding
- Cry of the Wolf: Dominate nearby enemies with a mighty roar. -23% patk of surrounding enemies
- Awakening (group Buff): +8% patk, +16% matk, +8% attk-speed, +8 speed, -8% pdef, -16% mdef, -4 evasion. длительность 90sec, откат 15mins
Great Snow Wolf / Snow Fenrir
Level 70
- те же скиллы, что и у обычных
- Cry of the Wolf: Dominate nearby enemies with a mighty roar. -23% patk/matk of surrounding enemies
Отредактировано Armyman (04.10.2010 01:13:42)